Fleas, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Moths and Fleas

We have had an extraordinary number of flea, bed bug and moth jobs to deal with lately. We have even come across Human Lice over the past week. What a strange but interesting job this is. We have to have our senses about us all the time to determine what exactly we are dealing with these days. Things are not always what they seem and it is obvious where some people in this field of work fail to deal with things in the proper fashion. We sometimes have to deploy traps or other measures to establish exactly what is present before we can treat it or otherwise as the case might be. We have had many wasp nests to deal with and these insects are still going strong, apparently becoming a real problem in some areas of the country.

Our work has taken us to Stroud, Tewkesbury, Gloucester, Newent, Cheltenham and Cirencester and lots of places in between.  While this weather continues, the work will probably continue in the same vein for a while yet so will have to report again next week.

Posted in Pest Control