Cluster flies, Moles and Rodents

We have had several calls to deal with cluster flies over the past fortnight and a few mole trapping jobs have come in. Rat and mouse jobs are coming in thick and fast with work in Cheltenham, Gloucester, Stroud, Cirencester and villages in between. We are still getting a few wasp nests to deal with as well as the odd flea and moth job. The Cluster flies are taking over from wasps as the main source of income for us at present with 3 or 4 jobs coming in a week, They are starting early this year and we are  installing electronic fly machines to deal with them over the next 6 months in many cases. This work will continue over the next few months until it goes quiet over Christmas. It is interesting how the thrust of the job changes as the year goes on with different animal, birds or insects being a problem at different times as it goes on.

Posted in Pest Control